نوع مدرک: | متون چاپی |
سرشناسه | Mitchell ، Joseph R، ویراستار |
ردهبندی کنگره : | 909 M 6921 2008 |
عنوان : | Taking Sides: Clashing Views In World History, Volume 2 : The Modern Era to the Present |
ناشر: | Boston [United States] : McGraw-Hill Higher Education |
سال نشر : | 2008 |
صفحه شمار: | 404P |
ویژگی : | Preface, Content, Introduction, Index |
شابک/شاپا | 978-0-07-351517-5 |
یادداشت | LC: D23. Second Edition, Expanded |
شناسه افزوده : | Mitchell ، Helen Buss، ویراستار |
موضوعها : | اصفا World History ؛ History, Ancient ؛ History, Modern
چکیده : | This book is made up of 20 issues that argue pertinent topics in the study of world history. Each issue has an issue introduction, which sets the stage for the debate as it is argued in the yes and no selections that follow. Each issue concludes with a postscript that makes some final observations and points the way to other questions related to the issue. In reading the issue and forming your own opinions, you should not feel confined to adopt one or the other of the positions presented. There are positions in between the given views or totally outside them, and the suggestions for further reading that appear in each issue postscript should help you to find resources to continue your study of the subject |
لینک ثابت رکورد: | ../opac/index.php?lvl=record_display&id=22214 |
زبان مدرک : | English زبان اصلی : English |