This Article on Economic Development In Kurdistan was Presented at The International Conference, The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights
at Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993
This article on Education in Kurdistan: An Overview, was presented at The International Conference The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights at
Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993
This Article on Human Rights Violations Against The Kurds in Turkey and Iraq was Presented at The International Conference The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights
at Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993
This Article, Kurdish Federated State In Iraq: From Negociations To Government was Presented at The International Conference
The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights at Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993
This artucle on Kurdish Nationalism, was Presented at The International Conference, The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights at
Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993
This Article, Kurdistan: Toward A Cultural-Historical Definition, was Presented at The International Conference
The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights, at Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993
This the Documents of the 3rd Congress of the Democratic Party of Kurdistan - Iran, published in 1973. Translated from the original Kurd text published
This article on Minorities and Marginality: A Presisitent Global Problem was Presented at The International Conference
The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights, Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993
This booklet is the Message of Komala's Executive Committee on the Occasion of the Publication of the First Issue of "Shoresh", Komala Document Series (3), published in Sweden in November 1980
This article on the Present Kurdish Situatio and Kurdish Nationalism was Presented at The International Conference
The Kurds: Political Status and Human Rights, Georgetown, Washington D.C. March 17-19-1993